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Апрель 2009

Investing in foreclosures successfully in a changing real estate market

Investing in Foreclosures Successfully in a Changing Real Estate Market

When I first got started in real estate investing over a decade ago, foreclosure investing was a very different type of real estate strategy than it is today. I would show up at bank auctions with a pretty clear idea of how much money I was willing to spend on a given property. Then, when that property made it to the block, I would maybe compete with one or two other investors – if that – to get my hands on properties that I believed represented potential profits for me and my business.
However, as time passed those auctions got more and more crowded. Increasing numbers of investors started attending auctions, and the auctions were no longer the “insiders” arena that they used to be. That was when I started using other methods to find foreclosures, such as working with other real estate investors and targeting motivated sellers to get the job done and find properties that I could use to make a profit.
Today, the scene is different once again. As you probably are hearing on the news, even with massive auctions banks and lenders are still holding far more real estate than they are prepared to handle and due to the alleged “credit crisis,” they are having a hard time even finding people solvent enough to buy their properties. As a result, these auctions are still often full of interested investors in all stages of their involvement in “the game,” but few are really equipped to fully take advantage of the opportunities that this type of situation represents.
In my experience, changing markets are the best time to get involved in real estate. When a market is predictable, people everywhere figure out how to work the system and generate profits. However, in the newly dynamic real estate investing market of today, there is no permanent “system” that will make you money. Instead, you need a vast array of information at your disposal. For example, I have worked with investors who never pay more than 25,000 Dollars for a house, but buy a minimum of 8 houses at a time. They are able to work with lenders in a way that single-property buyers cannot because they have the ability to take a lot of foreclosed properties off that lender’s hands, and they often sell those houses at a 200 to 500 percent profit by the time they are done with the deal.
Strategies like this one may not work forever, but today that particular partnership is literally generating millions of dollars for all the people involved. Of course, this type of creative thinking requires some pretty serious methodology as well. You need to know what type of lender and what types of properties to target. For example, that particular group has identified the exact characteristics a house needs to sell in today’s market and can spot those characteristics no matter where that property is located or what condition it is in. They swoop in on these properties (which are often really undesirable at first glance) and make offers that the lender really cannot afford to refuse.
The key to success in foreclosure investing in this changing market is making your strategies work no matter what the state of the economy. My experience in real estate investing has never been more beneficial to me personally than today, when a repertoire of experience and education is the only thing that enables me to be flexible enough to keep up with foreclosure investing no matter the state of the economy or the mindset of the times.
Peter Vekselman has been successfully investing in real estate since 1996. He has completed over 1200 real estate deals, owned a construction company, been a private lender, and owned a property management company. Peter currently works with clients all over the US helping them achieve riches in real estate investing. For more information please visit www.CoachingByPeter.com.

How to go about selling your house through internet estate agent

How to Go About Selling Your House through Internet Estate Agent

If you are selling your house then you will find that the quickest and easiest way to do this, which will also save you money, is to do so with the help of an internet estate agent. Here are some things you should know before you begin.

First, remember that prospective buyers will want to see what the house looks like. So if you are listing it online you need to display pictures and even videos on the website which show people what the property’s qualities are. These need to be of excellent quality, sharp, clear and of good color. Your house should look every bit as good in these pictures as it in fact does.

As well as being high resolution, your pictures should be easy to download so that a prospective buyer doesn’t have a long wait whilst the picture appears. First impressions are very important when it comes to converting a lead into a sale, and your prospects of a sale can often be marred by a poor picture.

You should then ensure that the lines of communication between you and your internet estate agent are speedy, because you don’t want to miss out on a prospective buyer’s communication which could lead to a sale. It is vital that buyers be able to contact you easily.

A buyer may have lots of questions with regard to the house, its construction or history, design specifications, locality, age and so on. Queries that should go not to the internet estate agent but rather to you when you, should be directed to you. Matters relating to negotiation of price, however, as well as some other factors, should be left to the internet estate agents to deal with. You should only have to step in on the process of selling your house if it is truly necessary.

You must provide accurate details to the internet estate agent. So before you engage them to help selling your house you should ensure that you have all the details to hand, including anything to your house’s disadvantage. They can then work out how to turn this around to the advantage of your property. For example, if someone was murdered in your house you don’t want a prospective buyer to be told this, but an estate agent should know in case there are any enquiries on this matter.

Check out the track record of internet estate agents before you make your choice, and find one with a good history. If someone you know had a good experience of selling their property this way in the past, ask them which agent they used and how it was done. There is plenty of hard work connected with selling your house, as well as careful planning. Over half the work is done already when you choose a good agent, but there is some research to be done to make the right choice here.

Kroger: corporate analysis —-aarkstore enterprise

Kroger: Corporate Analysis —-Aarkstore Enterprise

This company profile is a premium company information product offering an unmatched depth and breadth of content. It analyzes the strategic positioning of the company – how the company has evolved and how it has been performing over the years.
Sectional Highlights
— Structure of the organization, partnerships, mergers & acquisitions and recent developments have been examined
— Business segments of the company have been explored alongwith analysis of key products and services
— SWOT Analysis highlights the weaknesses of the company and the threats to which it is exposed; the strengths of the company and the way the company has positioned itself to take advantage of the opportunities
— Business and marketing strategies boosting earnings, brand value and competitive edge have been discussed
— Key financial indicators have been analyzed
— Competitive positioning of the company has been evaluated in terms of sales, profitability and stock performance, as compared to its competitors
Key Benefits
— Provides input for strategic business planning
— Targets business opportunities & risks
— Exploits competitive intelligence
Target Audience
— Investment Managers
— Venture Capitalists
— Management Consultants
— Research Companies
— Other Industry Professionals

Aarkstore Enterprise specialize in providing online market business information on market research reports, books, magazines, conference booking at competitive prices, and strive to provide excellent and innovative service to our customers. We are built on the premise that reading is valuable, capable of stirring emotions and firing the imagination. Whether you’re looking for new product trends or competitive analysis of a new or existing market, Aarkstore Enterprise has the best resource offerings and the expertise to make sure you get the right product every time.

For more information please contact :

From:Aarkstore Enterprise
Contact: Neel
Email: press@aarkstore.com
URL: www.aarkstore.com

Landscaping, tips, tricks and the pros

Landscaping, Tips, Tricks and the Pros?

The landscape industry is on the rise. So should you hire a landscaper or do it yourself. This article will present a couple good landscaping tips as well pro-industry news.

In a recent issue of Lanscape Management, Ron Hall says, «that the industry is set for growth due to demographics, dual-wage-families, and disposable income.» He also suggests that «landscape contractors should think of other avenues for profit to cope with the crisis in the housing market.»

So what does this mean? One thing is for sure, people who are homeowners love to add curb appeal. It adds beauty as well as value. Landscapers need to think of more creative ways to keep and add new business that won`t break the banks of their customers, yet at the same time add the elegance the client`s desires.

For inspiration and ideas on the different types of turfs and grasses, The 2007 Pocket Seed Guide is an easy-to-reference summary of the latest results from the National Turfgrass Evaluation Program (NTEP). It lists the latest top-rated varieties of turfgrass at most testing locations. NTEP is one of the most widely known turfgrass research programs in the world.

Here is a tip now that autumn is here. In the same issue of Landscape Management, tips on improving the appearance of a fall mum display. It suggests the purchase of quality mum plants. Mum plants should have flowers from the top of the plant to the ground level. They should also, be planted when they are 10% to 25% in color because they are easier to move.

Yet, to a landscaper, its more than just lawns and flowers. Don Dale reports in the April issue of Landscape Management, that mole control of landscapers adds to the income in the U.S.. According to Dale, «The Growing Green Lawn Care, lawn care business of Keith Fisher has seen a 40 percent increase in mole activity where his clients are clamoring for mole control. Fisher began treatments in March, as moles begin tunneling near the surface and it is easy to make an immediate application and do a follow-up whenever it is needed as the crew returns to mow the lawn.»

So the question is whether or not to do it yourself. Simply put if it is something complicated, such as controlling rodents in the garden, or an elaborate hardscape project, its best left up to the professionals. However, if you enjoy gardening and doing the landscaping, getting that «look what I just completed» feel. Then give it a go, so as long as you are willing to possiblly screw a few things up in the process.

By: Michael C. Podlesny