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Март 2011

Is national certification worth it

Is National Certification Worth It?

          What started out six years ago as a simple quest to become «qualified» to manage the activity department at a local Rehab has developed into a pursuit for «self».  Back then, I spent several weeks exploring my options and discovering resources for my new found profession.  The lure of being a nationally «certified» activity professional not just a «qualified» director won out. 

            I got an application and began to fulfill the requirements.  I found the nearest «certified trainer» to me was two hours away, halfway across the state.  Nonetheless, I contacted her and made arrangements to take the basic course with her, because that was all that was required on my national application.

            Eight weeks later, I had my certificate of completion in hand, and was in route to fulfilling the required hours of service, and getting transcripts from my alma mater.  Two years pass as I earned the 4,000 hours required.  Alas, with all my paperwork in hand, I mailed my application out.

            Somewhere in the middle of all of this, I accepted a new position at a manor very near my house.  One day, after I started, I got a call from National Headquarters.  They had received my application, but it was incomplete.  I was missing the advanced course work.

            It seemed that somewhere between me getting my original application and my submitting it, they had changed their requirements to include the advance course as mandatory for all certifications.  It was part of an initiative to improve the educational system by which they wanted recognition.

            I accepted their offer of provisional certification.  The stipulation:  I was required to complete the advance course within four years.  So I once again set out to find a «certified trainer» to teach me part two, the advanced course.  I found one, this time she was half a continent away.  We made arrangements and I completed the course.  Nine months later with my certificate of completion in hand and seeing that I only need to complete an additional 200 hours of consulting experience, I chose to jump to the head of the class and get the top of the line certification available.

            Well, National Headquarters «lost» all of my consulting hours, documentation, and pages from my application are missing.  Sure they gave me the «certified» activity professional credentials I wanted four years prior, but that wasn’t what I had spent the past year dedicating my life to.  Phone calls were made, the executive wasn’t available, wouldn’t be for several more days.  She’d return my call on Tuesday morning.  Tuesday morning comes and goes.  I called back, no, sorry the executive makes this decision, can you remind me again what this is about, I talk to 50 people a day and can’t keep it straight.  She’ll return your call.  The classic run-around.

            So I question is national certification worth it?

            At this point, no.

            Easily putting sour-grapes aside, not being disgruntled, harboring no ill-will, I ask:  is national certification worth it?  Compared to what?   I could have settled for being «qualified», but I wanted more than that.  I could have pursued state certification, but I wanted to be better than that.

            Don’t get me wrong, I took the courses with some very remarkable instructors.  They helped me change the direction of my career.  They helped me become a better business leader.  I don’t need some «higher authority» to validate what I know, or what I know I can do.  I don’t need a piece of paper with initials stamped on it that I can use after my name.  I am just as good with it as without it.  What makes them so important?

            I ask this of the state level also.  What makes the state association so important?  It is a professional association.  Kind of like a pro-golfers association.  Sure you look good by being a member, but in the end, that’s all you are, a member.  They don’t license you to be a golfer, they can’t discipline misconduct.  All they can really do is take your money and say you’re a «certified» member and at worse revoke your membership.  It is not like the state or national certifying association is a state or federal agency.  We are not licensed by any one.  So who are they to say I am «certified»?

            How does being nationally «certified» improve my lot in life?  A certification indicates that a minimum of qualifications have been met.  It doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re good at what you do.  It doesn’t even mean career advancement.  In my case, I am already at the top of the ceiling; there is no room for advancement.

            So why pursue national certification?   For me, it’s a milestone; a feather in my cap; proof of my unrelenting pursuit for self-improvement; a desire to show others that with a lot of hard work you can make a difference in your own life.  And with a difference in your own life, you can make a difference in someone else’s life.  And so on, and so on.  It has to start somewhere; I am always willing to be the one to step up.

            I do not need validation of an outside agency to know what I know.  I don’t need validation of an outside agency to do what I do.  I meet minimum state and federal guidelines to be «qualified» to manage my activities department.  The certificates of completion from continuing education classes and conferences and training courses do the same thing.

            So why pursue national certification?

            Because at the moment that’s all there is.  And because they claim to stand for the same things I believe.  They are fighting the good fight to improve educational requirements, improve our standing in the healthcare community, but they are standing in my way.  I am sure that for every one of me that gets rubbed the wrong way, gets our nose bent out of shape, there are dozens upon dozens upon dozens of other who have had the most remarkable, joyful experience ever.  God bless them.  But this isn’t about how we are treated, this isn’t about pointing fingers and saying you did this or you did that.  It’s about self improvement.  It’s about validating yourself.  The goal was never the certification; it was the journey to getting there.  That has been the most remarkable journey imaginable.  I would never have taken this journey if the goal weren’t to become nationally certified.  But the journey, and the people I have met along the way, is what’s important.  It is what changed my life.

            Is national certification worth it?

            I don’t know.

            I haven’t gotten there yet.  Maybe someday I’ll be able to look back and say it was all worth it.  I doubt it.  But the journey…

            Yes, the journey to pursue national certification was worth every painful paper cut, sleepless night, mad dash to a deadline, soul searching moment. 

            Yes, the pursuit for national certification is worth it.  That little piece of paper at the end, I can take it or leave it.  It is just another mile marker in my life that says I was here, I did this.

            If when the dust settles and everything clears up and they offer me my advanced certification, will I accept it?  Sure.  Gladly.  And be an asset to their team.  But I already am.  I just don’t have a key to the executive washroom.  And that’s okay.  My journey isn’t complete, even with certification, my journey won’t be complete.  My journey will never be complete.

            Is national certification worth it?

            To some yes, to many, perhaps, to me, I don’t know.  I guess it’s the wrong question.  Is going through nearly a year long process to become a better professional worth it?  Absolutely.  And getting certification too would just gravy on top.

            I absolutely recommend pushing your comfort level.  I absolutely recommend you tackle educational pursuits.  I absolutely recommend that you better yourself professionally and be more than merely «qualified».  I absolutely recommend that you be the best you you can be and the road to national certification is a great place to learn who you really are, what you can really do and what you are really about.

            And having that little slip of paper with initials that you can use after your name may not be that important.  It’s up to you.  I don’t know.  I’ll let you know if I ever get mine.

How do i lookup somebody's records by ssn online totally free

How Do I Lookup Somebody's Records By Ssn Online Totally Free

Did you know that the ssn investigation is one of this most accurate and authentic investigation tools that you can use for verifying an individual’s qualifications? In fact, it really is so accurate that you do definitely not will need to cross verify the information with any secondary lookup.

The latest increase in the spate of offences and deceitful activities has compelled people to be cautious with strangers. Absolutely foolish to trust individuals these days and in order to safeguard the privacy and protection of yourself and family a person should carryout this search so that you would be able to successfully avoid any sort of impending danger. The importance of it enable companies and individuals to look for the credentials of people for several reasons. Conducting this investigation helps we to determine the character of an individual and it could possibly immensely benefit your wants when that you need to hire a person or enter into business dealings with an individual.

There are many people who wonder on why they should perform this search? Such as mentioned above ssn investigation background checks have become a preferred strategy for many businesses and individuals in order to ascertain the integrity of one. Be it for personal and professional reasons a person should resort to this search in order to avert any action by a potential perpetrator. The benefits of a social security lookup is that the number of 2 individuals are definitely not the same and this is the reason why they may be considered to employ a higher priority over the rest of this public record searches that happens to be conducted for the point of verifying the credentials of someone.

The advantage of this lookup is that all the information that that you request on the data source is scrutinized and cross checked. With the advent belonging to the net the public no longer have to run from one place to another to receive get to a social security number investigation of people. This lookup can now be done from any place in confidence and without difficulties. It really is a single useful resource that enables an individual top acquire up to date and accurate important info on a person’s background.

When it comes to screening people you have to acquire gain access to to the right detail that will give people authentic and accurate records. With the help of social security number searches you can easily try out the past detail of you by logging in and filling up a form that will give you quick reports at your fingertips. The list is an extensive source base that is secure and confidential. It can be new all the time and does certainly not consists of any misleading and wrong detail. It could be used as a reliable source of data for legal reference and research too.

Consequently, with the help of Social security number Search you can now try out the best searches without problems. You no longer have to worry about the credentials of this person that you are looking up. The search is fast and time saving and at the same time cost effective. So why waste money on useless searches just log on to social security number search and get authentic information of any person with success!

How to find good personal injury lawyer

How to Find Good Personal Injury Lawyer

The personal injury cases are commonly very receptive in nature, you have lost or injured a part of your body, and you must have the most excellent opportunity to get compensation. Here are five tips, using which you can stumble on the most excellent personal injury lawyer to represent your case.

  1. Search for an experienced lawyer specializing in personal injury cases: Personal injury law practice is a forte; look for lawyers who only practice such cases, not anything else. In large law firms, there is commonly a whole department committed to personal injury. First of all, go by referrals that you get from your friends, bar association, on the online listings, yellow pages or referral services. Go for a lawyer who is qualified. Your best stake will be someone more than the age of 30.
  1. Meet them all before committing: When you have picked out a few lawyers, meet up all of them with your case before selecting one. In your first convention, clarify your case to the lawyer. If he or she is a qualified lawyer; you’ll get to identify if you have a strong case, what time frame should you look at for settlement and what additional records/documents you’ll require. Moreover make an effort to identify regarding the payment structure and payment terms. Be ready, you may get rejected by lawyers too as a consequence of a lot of reasons.
  1. Choose a local lawyer: rather than appointing a reputed lawyer who has the offices in another city, it’s always good to employ a local personal injury lawyer. A local lawyer has a reputation to keep in the local community, therefore is likely to be more considerate and liable to you. You can arrive at their office and plan meetings with them more easily. They won’t be able to pay no heed to your phone calls either. Accordingly you’ll have healthier communication and the local attorney will be more comfortable and familiar with the courts in your city.
  1. Number of people involved in your case: If you select a large law firm, you’ll have a team of people working for you. The senior lawyer will allot the associates to prepare your case and handle the easier, usual facets of the case. While in small firms, lesser people are implicated, it’s easier to reach all of them through a phone call. Settle on the size of firm based on your comfort aspect, problems of the case and duration expected for the case.
  1. Do you like your lawyer? Last but not the least, you must like and be liked by your personal injury lawyer. These cases are very personal; therefore it’s essential for you to be open and comfortable with your lawyer. Consecutively, your lawyer must like you too, in order that there is no communication gap and you must identify with each other. Consequently, if you get positive feelings regarding a lawyer and he/she appears to be pleasant and worried for you, choose them!

Internet and technology forums plays important role

Internet and technology forums plays important role

According to famous quote, we can build a better society if we discuss our problems and share our experiences with others. If a person faces a problem with his computer and he is not technically sound then he has a better option-technology forums. We will discuss mostly about software related problem as the issues of hardware can only be resolved by an expert.

Most percentage of problems in computer is because of operating system, viruses, and software and storage devices. Some might face problems related to booting of computer or some data is lost or a virus has attacked your computer or uploading videos. The solution can be easily available with others whom you can contact easily through techmindz forum.

Do remember, if you are facing some problem with your computer then you should have a handy list of technology forums. You can do some research through Google by entering phrase like ‘techmindz forum’ or ‘technical forums’ and you will numerous results.

It’s better to read the terms and condition of the forums and then start the sign-up process. Start a new thread by posting question with sensible title and then describing your problem. There are numerous knowledgably members who will find you the solution of your problem and most of the times you will get replies from staff members of that forum.

Sharing a problem and distributing your knowledge will always build an educated society. You can take an example of latest virus (Blackworm) which has done huge damage in the world. By sharing and gaining knowledge you can get your computer more protective by installing some anti-virus which can help you protect against such hazards.

The concept of forums was started in early 80’s and is still prevalent. The thing is quite simple- post thread and people will respond you with best possible solution. Still if you do not get any solution and your problem seems to be quite tricky then the staff members of techmindz will respond you with the solution.

 Forums are of many types- categorized as technology forum, software forum, virus forum; home theatre forum etc. depending upon your problem you can join any of them. With technically sound people around such forums you will certainly gain enough knowledge.

Is an llc your best option

Is an LLC Your Best Option?

Entrepreneurs must already choose the legal structure of their business even before they start such venture, if only to make sure that they now the risks and the advantages involved in starting that kind of business. Business owners can choose to put up a sole or single proprietorship, enter into a partnership or form a corporation.

Each of the three legal structures has its own advantages and disadvantages. A sole proprietorship is the easiest type of business to put up and operate because only one person is responsible for decision making and for running the business. However, being alone in business means you are solely responsible for whatever happens to you business and you only have to rely on your own capital and resources.

A partnership is better considering that two or more heads are always better than one. A partnership offers more possibility in terms of capital base and of brain power. However, partnerships do not always work due to conflicting business decisions.

The next if not the best option is to form a corporation which would be composed of incorporators who will put up the seed capital for the business. A corporation can provide more sources of funds and the owners are only liable to as much as the money they have invested in the business. Provided of course that the corporation does not indulge in illegalities or does things in bad faith. Doing so would necessitate the application of the principle of piercing the veil of corporate fiction. This means that the owners can be made accountable even beyond the amount of their investments if they are found to be in bad faith in certain transactions.

While the corporation has proven to be the best option for business owner, there is apparently another option called the Limited Liability Company which offers the characteristics of both partnership and corporation. Members of a Limited Liability Company can enjoy the limited liability enjoyed by corporations unless a personal guarantee has been signed. This legal structure also offers tax benefits much like the benefits available to corporations.

A Limited Liability Company does not however require the bureaucracy of a corporation in terms of the taking of minutes. And unlike in a partnership where the partners can only participate in decision-making depending on their partnership status, members of a Limited liability Company can take part in decision making without losing their limited liability protection.

However, while a corporation can last for 50 years renewable for another period, a Limited Liability Company can be easily disbanded particularly when a member dies or becomes bankrupt. It is also more feasible to form a corporation if there are plans to do a public offering.

Despite the disadvantages of forming a Limited Liability Company, it is still the best choice for business start ups that are still testing the waters but already want to give their business a legal structure.