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Октябрь 2011

Keeping the meeting monsters at bay — preventing personal attacks

Keeping The Meeting Monsters At Bay — Preventing Personal Attacks

You remember these people for the wrong reasons.

They are the monsters who hurt others with insults, ridicule, and sarcasm. They bully. They threaten. They attack.

And that ruins your meeting.

Personal attacks are unacceptable because if one person is being hurt in your meeting, everyone else feels it. As a result, the participants retreat into making safe and generally useless contributions.

So, how do you respond to attacks?

First, take a big breath. Grab your courage. And then use one of the following approaches.

Approach 1: Speak to the group

Respond to a hostile remark by making a general comment. Look at the middle of the group and say:

«Just a moment. Let’s pause here to calm down. I can tell we’re upset about this. And we want to find a fair solution for everyone.» (Take slow deep breaths and relax to model calming down.)

After saying this, pause a moment to let the group respond. Often, someone else will support your request. Then continue as if everything were normal.

Avoid looking at the attacker when speaking to the group. Making eye contact acknowledges and returns power to the attacker.

Approach 2: Explore for the cause

Sometimes people throw insults from behind an illusion of presumed distance. You can respond by calling for an explanation. In this case say:

«Pat, you seem upset with that.»

«Tony, you seem to disagree.»

«You seem to have reservations about this.»

I realize these statements may sound like naive responses to an insult. However, such understated responses improve the situation because they sound less threatening, feel easier to deliver, and preserve the other person’s self-esteem. Realize the attacker may have viewed the attack less seriously than it sounded.

These statements also transfer the focus from the target to the attacker’s feelings. And this is what you need to talk about in order to resolve the dispute.

After you speak wait for the attacker to talk about what caused the attack.

If the attacker continues with hostile remarks, interrupt with:

«Excuse me, we need to respect each other. And I wonder what makes you feel upset over this.»

«Excuse me, we heard that. Now, what makes you feel that way?»

«Excuse me, I’m interested in hearing what your concerns are.»

Approach 3: Call a break

If the first two approaches fail to end the attacks, then call a break or end the meeting. This will give you a chance to meet privately with the attacker, rewrite the agenda, rebuild communication, and (if appropriate) schedule another meeting without the attacker.

You could say,

«We seem to be at an impasse. I want to take a break so we can calm down.»

«This hostility makes it impossible to get any work done. So, I’m adjourning the meetings. We’ll work on this later and then reconvene at another time.»

«We need to work on this outside of the meeting. So let’s adjourn.»

Note that some people use anger to intimidate others into cooperating with them. If you adjourn the meeting, you will have to meet with the attacker to resolve the conflict.

Meetings are a forum for finding solutions, making decisions, and reaching agreements. When you apply these approaches to disruptions, you will maintain the productive environment necessary to accomplish your goals.

This is the seventh of a seven part article on Monsters in Meetings.

Jinhua city, camellia has a new

Jinhua City, Camellia has a new

Wucheng Thuringia Camellia Camellia Institute of Botany, Jinhua assumed new varieties of Colorful Red Lucy Jane molecular biological characteristics and RAPD technology research project, chaired by Provincial Science and Technology Department of the identification.

Experts believe that Lucy Jane Colorful red foliage and flower as a combination of new varieties of camellias, with the shape the United States, the characteristics of strong resistance. The project camellia foliage species breeding industry, content, technology and outcomes has reached domestic leading level. Coleus breeding success of Red Lucy Jane, for the ornamental Camellia provides the basis for industrial development. Recommend further testing of the regional varieties, as the garden variety.

According to reports, camellia and flower, foliage, fruit, today’s world of international camellia camellia cultivation of new varieties of three types, and research camellia foliage and ornamental fruit varieties and new technology. Camellia foliage varieties, the United States, Britain, Japan and other countries have, China was also the camellia foliage in the study, but the officially approved the first of its kind in the country.

Wucheng Thuringia Camellia Camellia Institute of Botany, Jinhua assumed new varieties of Colorful Red Lucy Jane molecular biological characteristics and RAPD technology research project, chaired by Provincial Science and Technology Department of the identification.

Experts believe that Lucy Jane Colorful red foliage and flower as a combination of new varieties of camellias, with the shape the United States, the characteristics of strong resistance. The project camellia foliage species breeding industry, content, technology and outcomes has reached domestic leading level. Coleus breeding success of Red Lucy Jane, for the ornamental Camellia provides the basis for industrial development. Recommend further testing of the regional varieties, as the garden variety.

According to reports, camellia and flower, foliage, fruit, today’s world of international camellia camellia cultivation of new varieties of three types, and research camellia foliage and ornamental fruit varieties and new technology. Camellia foliage varieties, the United States, Britain, Japan and other countries have, China was also the camellia foliage in the study, but the officially approved the first of its kind in the country.

How to locate wholesale properties

How to Locate Wholesale Properties

Wholesaling generally refers to the process of buying a property for below market price, and then selling it to another investor, usually without fixing up the property it’s a procedure also sometimes described as «flipping properties»
Buying and selling wholesale real estate property can be difficult and challenging as sellers are instinctively inclined to sell their property for more if they realize you are a wholesale investor.
Whereas the deal itself can sometimes be difficult, finding properties to resell at a profit is relatively easy if you know where to look. Many people who sell properties at wholesale prices are what might be called «motivated sellers» — those who are desperately trying to sell for a compelling reason. These reasons can include foreclosure, relocation or personal or health issues.
There are several methods of finding suitable properties that can potentially be wholesaled. Some of the best wholesale deals can be obtained from a county or city that has taken over a property, often for failure to pay taxes a procedure known in the industry as «landbanking».
Concentrate on looking for foreclosures. Apart from lists provided by banks and other lenders, you can also locate foreclosures by reading the notices issued by the city or county and posted in the legal sections of business journals and local newspapers.
Some properties are available to purchase when the city or county has «red-tagged» them, meaning that the house is unfit for human habitation because of a safety or health issue.
Look for newspaper advertisements that state that the advertiser buys properties «We buy Houses» is often a giveaway. These are usually ads that have been placed by fellow investors and there is nothing to stop you calling them and asking for their list of properties.
Networking is important when it comes to locating and buying wholesale properties. If local realtors are aware that you are interested in potential wholesale deals, you will find it a lot easier to find properties. A good network of useful contacts is invaluable and one of the best things you can have in real estate. Make sure you always follow up with your contacts rather than waiting for them to call you back.
And sometimes the simple approach is effective — many successful investors advise that you can do worse than simply drive around respectable neighborhoods and look for slightly run down houses that are for sale.
Many people who are trying to locate wholesale properties make the understandable mistake of concentrating on the cheapest properties in their area. In fact, a profit can be made from wholesaling more expensive homes as there are usually homeowners who are desperate to sell their more expensive home, too.
Wholesaling has been around for a while, but in recent years it has become more widespread and acceptable and contrary to what some people believe, it is perfectly legal. And with the right knowledge, foresight and connections it can be a profitable venture.

Internet sourcing and the online market

Internet Sourcing and the Online Market

Global sourcing, Internet sourcing, multinational purchasing, an online market, and China export product have all combined together to make the business world all over the globe very diverse and with broadened purchasing capabilities. There are no defined boundaries or borders with online activities, so companies have the ability to find what they need at comparable prices. This allows for comparison shopping globally, and global sourcing can be a terrific tool when used as intended. With all the talk in the news about corporation downsizing and employee layoffs, as well as bad economic times over half the world, the savings compiled by a company by utilizing global sourcing and multinational purchasing could keep that company from closing the doors or letting employees go.

China export product can also be a great way to help a company grow financially. The online market and Internet sourcing make finding these terrific products at discounted prices a snap. Convenience and ease of use make these options especially attractive for busy business people. A simple search on the web will reveal thousands of China export product companies that will provide fantastic business opportunities for any company, no matter how big or small.

-Is The Online Market and Internet Sourcing Complicated Or Hard To Navigate?

Using the online market and taking advantage of Internet sourcing is not complicated or hard to use, and these options can be great advantages for any business that wants to stay competitive in the global marketplace. Global sourcing can have an enormous impact on the financial condition of any company, allowing a company to stay within their budget yet still afford products that they need with great quality. When this is combined with multinational purchasing, including China export products, then every company wins in addition to the global community. Business is all about the final numbers, and these methods provide numbers that will show the improved efficiency and increased profits in the final results. In today’s globally focused business world, the company that stays local and does not utilize Internet sourcing, global sourcing, and multinational purchasing to improve their business will not survive into the future.