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How to network with impact»

«How to Network with Impact»


In recognition of the fact that non-sales professionals are often uncomfortable or ineffective at networking, the New England Franchise Association (NEFA) welcome members and non-members to a lively presentation to hone their networking skills.    The event is scheduled for Tuesday, January 12, 5:30 p.m. at Granite Links Golf Club, Quincy, MA.

Jim Ayraud, president and founder of Next Level, Inc., a sales management consulting firm and an authorized licensee of Sandler Training, will raise the bar and demonstrate how to be much more purposeful and therefore effective in our business networking.

The evening includes a cocktail and networking session beginning at 5:30 p.m., dinner at 7:00 PM, and then the presentation from by Ayraud. The entire business community is urged to attend. Membership in the NEFA is NOT required. Reservations are required.  Registration Fee is $60 per person and includes dinner.  NEFA Members receive $10.00 off. 

Ayraud believes that networking is like anything else in life—the more serious you are about it—the more success you will have. 

«In particular, service business opportunities are largely based on relationships. New business and recurring revenue comes from collegues and referral sources who know you and trust you,» notes Jim Ayraud. He added, «Networking should be an essential part of your business development plan. The challenge is to chosse the right events and use proven strategies and techniques to make the most of your valuable time. Plan on walking away with a healthy mindset about networking and referral generation.»

About Next Level, Inc.

Next Level, Inc. is a Boston-based sales management consulting firm  that recognizes and capitalizes on the power of reinforcement. Understanding and implementing a complex set of human attitudes, behaviors and selling techniques is not a «quick fix» solution that can occur in a seminar.

Next Level, Inc. works with companies and individuals who are absolutely committed to sales professionalism.  Clients come to Next level when they are fearful that their people do not optimize opportunities to identify and secure new business, worried that their processes are causing selling cycles to be stretched longer and time is wasted, and/or anxious that their pipeline is inadequately filled with relevant business opportunities that will allow for profitable revenue growth.  

About NEFA

New England Franchise Association (NEFA) is the trade organization for franchisors and franchisees in the region, with over 150 members. The mission of NEFA is to bring franchise executives, franchisees and vendors together to share ideas for success.

Franchising more than ever before, has an unprecedented opportunity to make a major positive impact on the future New England economy. In a 2001-05 study conducted by PriceWaterhouseCoppers on behalf of the International Franchise Association (IFA) found that in New England over 875,000 jobs are a result of franchising, the total output is over 100 Billion dollars a year, and there are over 35,000 franchise establishments in the six New England States.

To reserve your seats, please contact New England Franchise Association via the organization’s website www.NEFranchise.org, email: info@NEFranchise.org, or by calling Jim Coen, (617) 469-3002.

How to get more responses from your brochures

How to Get More Responses from Your Brochures

Brochures can help you market your business effectively – as long as they are properly designed.  When printing brochures, you will have numerous decisions to make – do you want to choose black and white or four colors, what size will the brochure be, how many panels will it have, and what type of fold will you use?

Beyond these questions, you have even more important considerations; specifically what information will you include in your brochure?

The main goal of brochures is to make the reader want to contact you.  They can include information about your prices, advertise a new product, or give information about a service that you provide.  However, if you are looking to get a response from your brochure, then there are several strategies that can encourage the customer to contact you.  

Have a referral form

Not only are brochures a great way for you to advertise your business, but they can also be used as a way to encourage your current customers to advertise your business for you.  Including a referral form can help you gain information about potential future customers.  To encourage customers to give referrals, offer them a special discount or freebie for referring their friends and family members.  The more referrals you can generate, the more business you can generate for yourself.

Give out special event passes

If you are planning a special event, then you want to make sure that you have people that will attend.  If you attach an event pass to your brochure, then you can help generate some extra interest in your event.  Therefore, if you are planning on advertising your business at a local trade show or community event, offering free passes may help to generate a more positive response.

Include special sales and pricing information

While people may come to you for a specific product or service, you may still be able to generate interest about other products and services that you offer.  A sales sheet or other pricing information will give customers a quick look at the types of products and services that you offer and what you charge for them.  This may encourage them to come back for another service that they didn’t know you offered previously or to buy a special package with their order.

Use your brochure as a portfolio

If you are in the business of providing a specialized product or service for a customer, then your brochure can become a mini-portfolio.  For example, if you are a photographer, you can include some of your best photos to illustrate your style.  If you are a graphic designer, you can include samples of previous work.  People will be more likely to hire you if they feel like they know you and if they like your work.

Incorporating some of these tips will allow you to stretch your advertising dollars even further by using your brochures double duty.  By making your brochures as colorful and eye-catching as possible, you can encourage customers to utilize the additional services that you offer.