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Judicial & non-judicial foreclosure in tennessee

Judicial & Non-judicial Foreclosure in Tennessee

Which law provision governs foreclosure in Tennessee?

The laws which govern Tennessee foreclosures are found in Tennessee Code, Chapter 21(Proceedings in Chancery), Part 8, §21-1-803 (Foreclosure Sale)

What happens during Judicial Foreclosure in Tennessee?

In this, the lender needs to file complaint against the borrower and obtain decree of sale from the county court where property is located. If court finds the borrower default, it gives certain amount of time to the borrower to make the payment. If the borrower fails to pay then the property is auctioned to the highest bidder.

What happens during Non-Judicial Foreclosure in Tennessee?

Non-judicial foreclosure is conducted only when power of sale clause exists in deed of trust/mortgage. This clause allows borrower pre-authorizes the sale of property to pay off the balance loan in the incidence of their default. In such cases power is given to lender to sell the property by himself or his representative who generally referred as trustee. Guidelines for such procedure are mentioned under “Guidelines for power of sale foreclosure”.

Guidelines for power of sale foreclosure

If the deed of trust/mortgage contains a power of sale clause with specified time, place and terms of sale, then it should be followed.

Otherwise foreclosure is carries out as follows:

A notice of sale should be published in local newspaper of the county, for 3 times and the first ad should appear at least 20 days before the sale. If there is no local newspaper in the county, then notice should be posted at 5 public places in county which includes posting at the courthouse door and neighborhood of the property. The same notice should be served to the borrower 20 days before the sale, if he is staying in that property. The sale is conducted by the sheriff, between 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Minimum acceptable value of the property should be at least 50% of their fair market value. Bids lower than that price should be not accepted.

This is legal information; it should not be treated as legal advice.

How do i find criminal background for free online to see peoples past

How Do I Find Criminal Background For Free Online To See Peoples Past

A criminal background check is an important tool when hiring people or buying real estate or any other important thing. That’s right, when you’re hiring or dealing with someone important in your life you have to know as much as you can about that persons past. There are many ways available there and one of the best is checking for criminal background for free online. Sounds great?

You see, there are few ways how can you perform a criminal background check on someone. Some ways are free, some of them aren’t. Some will take more of your time some don’t, so let’s get started. When you think of criminal background check and checking someone’s past what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Police station or detective agency, right? Well that’s a great way to start. You could go to the police station at any time and fill in a request for obtaining various records that will help you to find someone’s criminal background. But it’s a real bore to go down to the police station or a courthouse and wait until your request is approved and found. It can take several days or so, but it’s free. Next solution is to check it with some detective agency. Great advantage of these is that they are fully professional, reliable and fast. It’s their job and their way to earn money. And that is the main downside. Money, it cost money to hire a detective agency to perform a criminal background check for you. So what to do?

There are many websites which give a fairly accurate background check. These websites allow you to access public records free of cost. That’s right, these websites are run by government and they are mostly free. They have great number of records in their databases and they are fast and cheap. Perfect way for you if you have small company or you just want to get it done as quickly as it can.

How outsourcing will free up your time, guaranteed

How Outsourcing Will Free Up your Time, Guaranteed!

As an online business owner,do you find yourself facing some major challenges with getting more work done,in less time, and as a result your business suffers?

If you’re one of the thousands of people that suffer from running a one man operation and are desperately seeking serious help with the necessary key areas of your online successfully,

now you will have the answers, but first…

Which of these every day Business tasks take up most of your time?

Answering Email

Web Design

Script Installations

Recruiting Affiliates

Recruiting Link Partners

Search Engine Optimization

Article Submissions

Testing Marketing Campaigns

Keyword Research

Content Research

Developing AdSense Websites

Sound familiar?

How’s that 1 man operation working for ya?

Are you your own webmaster, business manager, vp of operations,programming team, customer support rep, secretary, etc. ?

If so, now is the perfect time for you to take charge of your life, and take control of your online business activities before they take control of YOU once and for all.

Many online business owner’s suffer with these ongoing headaches,believing there’s no other alternative. It’s happened to the best of us,and it can happen to you too, if it hasn’t happened already…

Before you decide to hire outside help, be sure that you have a clear vision of the task at hand that you want the company,or freelancer to perform for you.

Freelancers vs. Outsourcing Firms

A Freelancer is often the first choice, but after dealing with my fair share of Freelancers, some are very difficult to deal with,worse yet, they often have more then 1 project on the go, and

can take weeks or months before your project is completed.(Some charge a lot higher then the original bid, when it’s all said and done.)

A Freelancer is limited to their individual resources, meaning there’s only so much 1 person can do, plus they often excel at just 1 skill.If you have multiple projects, and multiple tasks at hand, a Freelancer will not be able to keep up with your ever growing business demands.

When to use Freelancers?

If you have a single project,which doesn’t take a lot of time,and can quickly be accomplished by a person with specialized skills, such as a programmer or graphics designer, or if you need

a script installed on your server, and they can do it quickly for you.

Where to find Freelancers?

Check out scriptlance.com, eLance.com, and other freelance related sites, when you’re tired of searching for the right individual,then you may be ready for an Outsourcing Firm.

When to use an Outsourcing Firm?

When an Outsourcing Firm is well established and setup, it will often be able to keep up with your ongoing demands, such as:

Handling your customer service, designing your graphics,and websites, recruiting affiliates along with link partners,Installing scripts for you, they’ll also be able to implement traffic strategies, and complete any tasks that are demanded to run your business effectively.(If of course they’re properly set up )

Rather then having 1 freelancer do several jobs for you,an Outsourcing Firm will often have teams in place,specifically trained to handle multiple tasks.

How do you benefit?

You can now have multiple projects, and tasks completed at the SAME time,rather than waiting for each job to be completed before moving on to the next.

Before choosing either a Freelancer or an Outsourcing Firm,be sure to evaluate your company’s goals, and determine which option would be best suited for your tasks at hand.

Be sure to check out their portfolios, ask to see client testimonials,and determine their reputation, and their ability to deliver results

in a timely manner.Remember, Time is Money, and you can’t afford to lose either one!

As a business owner, you want to work with people that will maximize your results, require minimum supervision,and give you the peace of mind of knowing that your projects will be completed on time, every time.

When you Outsource successfully,you will have more time to focus on growing your business, rather then working in it.

Outsourcing Dot Com is a firm focused on helping online business owners eliminate the painstaking tasks that are taking up their precious time. It was built for online business owners, by a successful online business owner.

You can get a sneak peak at what current Outsourcing Dot Com clients are saying about their projects, and how they’re now enjoying more FREE time to spend with their family and friends…

Some are now focused on the key areas that will maximize their profits this year. Read their stories below, and find out how you too can get more work done, in LESS time, because you too deserve to have more time to enjoy with family and friends.


How to skyrocket your sales this year

How to Skyrocket Your Sales This Year

Completely grasp the power of the Best Buyer Concept and you will double your sales within the next twelve months. The concept is easy to understand, yet powerful: There’s always a smaller  number of ideal buyers, compared to all the possible buyers, so ideal buyers are cheaper to market to and yet bring greater rewards.

A magazine used this strategy to double sales in 15 months flat. Here’s what they did:

They took a database of 2200 advertisers and sent promo-pieces to them each month. After learning this
strategy, they did an analysis and found that 167 of those 2200 advertisers bought 95% of the advertising in their competitor’s magazine.

This concept is called «The Dream 100 Sell,» a concept where you go after your «Dream» prospects with a vengeance. This magazine sent the 167 (best buyers) a letter every two weeks and called them four times per month.

Since these were the biggest buyers, the first four months of  intensive marketing and selling brought no actual reward. In the fifth month, only ONE of these Dream clients bought advertising in the magazine.

In the sixth month, 28 of the 167 largest advertisers in the country came into the magazine all at once.
And since these are the biggest advertisers, they don’t take quarter pages and fractional ads, they take full pages and full color spreads. These 28 advertisers alone, were enough to double the sales over the previous year. The magazine went from number 15 in the industry to number one in just over a year.

Lesson learned: Market to your best buyers

Now you’re probably thinking to yourself, who are my best buyers?  If you sell to the business-to-consumer market, chances are, your best buyers live in the best neighborhoods.If you are a dentist, accountant, chiropractor, R.E. Broker, financial advisor, restaurant, or even a MLM professional you should consistently go after the folks who live in the best neighborhoods.

They are the wealthiest buyers who have the money and the greatest sphere of influence. If you send them an offer every single month without fail, within a year, you’ll have a great reputation among the very wealthy.

If you sell to the business-to-business market, it’s usually fairly clear that your best buyers are the biggest companies. So what are you doing, every other week, no matter what, to let these companies know who you are?

There’s no one you can’t get to as long as you constantly market to them, especially after they say they’re not interested. People will not only begin to respect your perseverance, they will actually begin to feel obligated.

This doesn’t happen right away, but even the most hard-bitten and cynical executive or prospect begins to respect you when you refuse to give up. The publication I mentioned earlier went on to double sales two more years in a row. They  consistently marketed to the best buyers and much more aggressively than they did to the rest of the buyers.

A company selling to manufacturer’s used this strategy to target the 100 biggest manufacturers in the country. For the first three months no one responded to any of the calling or phoning.

But after three months executives started saying: «I just have to meet you. I’ve never had anyone continue to call me so many times after I said no.» Within 6 months they had gotten in to
see 54% of those they targeted.
The secret is to NEVER give up.

Just keep going after those companies again and again. Or if you sell to consumers, commit to sending a promotional piece every single month to those wealthy neighborhoods. Eventually, all the wealthy people in your area will know exactly who you are.

Now the question is: Who are your DREAM prospects and how committed are you to getting them as clients?