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Job search ideas

Job Search Ideas

A lot of college students give up school with no idea of how and where they will find work. In case the economy is unsteady, it is more difficult than usual for the students to get lucrative employment. Knowing exactly what to do as well as where to explore to find employment will assist newly graduated students to find a job, which will place them on the way for the dream career.

Students need to take some time to review the resumes. Actually, care must be taken to guarantee resumes are free of grammar and spelling errors. Contact info for former employers must be accurate and current. Students need to review the work history to guarantee that dates are proper.

Resumes must be read over by other people. Another pair of eyes ensures the resume is free of mistakes and clear. Students may take advantages from a resume workshop held on campus.

It may look old fashioned, still searching local newspapers can assist with student’s job searching. The experience obtained from working in a small business can provide a new graduate the first position he/she needs to begin. In case jobs are inaccessible where a student is located, he/she should overview the newspaper in his/her hometown to know what is available.

Putting resumes on various search engines can better the visibility of fresh college graduates. Also, users are required to upload the resume so the perspective employers are able to view them. Besides, they are invited to turn for the accessible positions listed online.

Is transcription truly a work from home job

Is Transcription Truly a Work From Home Job?

Copyright (c) 2010 Ajay Prasad

Transcription jobs often require some simple things including a good command over the language, a good typing speed and a fast, efficient and reliable internet connection. If you are meeting these requirements, you are very much capable of starting with your own work from home job of transcriptional services. In some special transcription jobs related to medical, legal or other technical fields, some prior experience or knowledge about the subject may also be desirable.

It is a flexible and lucrative option for those who do not want to work under the stressful working cultures of the offices and want to avoid all the hassles of commuting to work places situated too far. It is not only you who saves time, money and fuel by a transcription job, Your employers also cut down their extra costs and can spend more money on other needful areas such as giving the long due bonuses.

The convenience and easiness of working from home is unmatchable. You can have a peaceful environment and work with more concentration at your home than a work place. In addition, with the advent of various transcription softwares, you can do your work quicker and with lesser errors. Working from home as a transcriptionist, you can devote your quality time to your kids, family and other part time jobs you have started taking.

There are many industries who are stepping up to offer transcription jobs to people and with a flexibility of working from home. A general transcription job will require you to be a good listener of the desired language, type quickly as you listen the words accurately and a fast internet connection. As the job takes an industry wise turn, the job requires a background of desired subjects. A legal transcription job will require to transcribe various cases about law, so a basic knowledge about it becomes imperative.

A medical transcription job will require you to transcribe many things with extensive use of medical terminologies and jargons. Medical reports, records of health of the patients or record of discharge of patients will involve medical terms you should be aware about if you want to become a medical transcriptionist.

The job of media transcription will require you to transcribe various chat shows shown on television, debates between two or more renowned groups; transcribe video clips or television discussions about various topics. Media transcription job can be learnt by doing, which means on the job training method is applied on these jobs.

Business transcription jobs require you to transcribe business conferences, meetings, and interviews and other occasions that are of critical importance to the business. The business may be into chemicals or into fast moving consumers goods, a transcription job for the business will be the same in all varying industries. You must be comfortable in using business jargons and abbreviations.

The transcription job requires a few essential things and some skills in you; all this makes it a wonderful job from home opportunity that saves your time, money and labour.

How to write business plans that work

How to Write Business Plans That Work

Writing a startup business plan that works is not as hard as it may seem at first. You may hear dire statistics about the low rate of business plan acceptance by investors and lenders, but you must keep in mind that many fail to achieve funding because of entirely avoidable mistakes.

These are a couple of the common mistakes that can cause a business plan to miss out on funding:

Sections Fail to Fulfill Their Purpose

Every section of a business plan has a purpose, which you can read about in numerous articles and see demonstrated in sample plans and business plan templates. After reading over a section you have written, ask yourself the questions the section is meant to answer and be sure you were able to provide those answers in the text. If the answers were not given or could be clearer, there is room for improvement. For example, the marketing plan must answer the primary question “how will the business reach and win customers?” If a reader completes this section and still cannot tell how exactly you plan to do this, you have work to do.

Proofreading Errors

Don’t let your plan be discarded simply because of simple spelling or grammar errors. Simple errors like this will appear unprofessional and will not inspire confidence in your skill and thoughtfulness on the part of investors. When you feel the content is ready, read the plan multiple times through, then put it aside for a day and read it through again. Read word by word and try reading the plan aloud to be sure that the wording is natural. You must also have another person whose editing ability you trust read the plan with the express goal of finding typographical or grammatical errors that you’ve missed. If you take this kind of care you can be much more certain that your plan won’t fail for a reason as silly as a typo.