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How to remember about construction contract

How To remember about Construction Contract!..

If you are having a construction project done, you are probably dreading the contract that you are going to be presented to sign. Deciphering a construction contract can be one of the most difficult parts of any project. But even though there may be parts of a construction contract that you have a hard time with, there are ways to ensure that you know exactly what you are getting.

The number one thing to remember about construction contracts is that they are written so that the buyer can understand them. Of course this does not mean that you will always understand everything, but at the same time you will not need to be a genius to figure out a construction contract.

When you are reading over your construction contract, make sure that you do so very carefully. The best thing to do after receiving the contract is to take a couple of hours and read it over word by word. By doing this you will be able to catch any details that may turn into problems down the road. While you are going through the construction contract, make sure that you write down all of the concerns that you have. This way you will be able to ask your contractor about the parts that you do not understand. Most of the time, your contractor will be able to clarify your needs in no time at all.

If you have read over your construction contract, but still feel like you are lost, you may want to look into hiring a lawyer. Most people do not take things this far, but if you are dealing with a complex construction contract, you may want to exercise this option. Find a lawyer that is familiar with property law, and then get them to look over your construction contract. They will be able to point out in short comings, and also advise you on whether or not you should sign the contract. Again, this is not necessary, but it can definitely be helpful in putting your mind to rest.

Reviewing a construction contract can undoubtedly be a difficult task. There are a lot of details that you will have to watch out for, and some of them can be a bit tricky. But if you take your time while reviewing the contract, and ask questions when you are done, you should not have any issues in the end. And remember, if all else fails you can hire a lawyer to carefully read over the construction contract.

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How to turn one-off customers into long-term clients

How to Turn One-off Customers Into Long-term Clients

Business relationships are not that different from personal relationships because in both situations, people prefer to deal with someone they like.

However, you can’t move from being a stranger straight to being a best friend or customer.

So it’s important to put at least as much effort into your plans for keeping in touch with existing customers as you do for attracting new ones.

One of the main advantages of developing long-term relationships is that it’s typically six times more costly to sell to someone new than to an existing customer.

But, of course, it’s one thing to know the value of building long-term relationships and another to follow the steps required in order to do so.

Here are seven steps to turning one-off customers into valuable client relationships.

1. Concentrate on getting the second sale

Ultimately, people are only customers if they buy from you regularly. And many people will buy from you once and never again. So, to turn someone into a genuine client, the most important thing is getting the second sale from a new customer — and getting it as soon as possible. Following the second sale, you are more likely to keep them as a long-term customer.

2. Always act in their best interests

According to Kevin Hogan’s book ‘Psychology of Persuasion’, people are more likely to do what you ask if they believe you have their best interests in mind. This is the ‘Law of Friends’. So, to build a business relationship, you need to show clients that you are looking after their interests. You can normally only do that over a few weeks or years, in the same way as in a personal relationship. One step is to stop worrying about getting clients to like you and focus on looking after them. As ‘Built to Last’ author Jim Collins says: «Don’t be interesting. Be interested.» That helps you think of them as individuals.

3. Keep in touch regularly

You can build trust through a regular newsletter which gives valuable information — rather than simply promoting your services. You can also build regular contact through articles, podcasts and teleseminars.

4. Make your contact personal

To make your contact with customers personal, you need to learn about them. You can start by just listening to them — for example by posting a survey on your website or sending out a customer questionnaire. The more you know about their likes and dislikes, the more personal you can make your services — for example sending them clippings you know will interest them or recognizing their personal achievements and family events.

5. Recognize that satisfaction is not enough

People will not stay with you and build a long-term relationship because they are satisfied. They expect that. You need to deliver exceptional service — some describe it as ‘customer bliss’. You need to go beyond what they expect — give them even more; care about them more than they are used to being cared about.

6. Ask your customers to help you

Once you have built a good relationship, you’ll often get help from your customers. For example, they’ll give you feedback on what needs improved or they’ll provide referrals and testimonials to use promoting your services. And, not only that, the laws of psychology mean they are more likely to buy from you again after they have helped you in some way.

7. Focus on your most profitable customers

Typically you will find that 80% of your profits come from 20% of your customers. So you need to understand which 20% are most profitable by looking at the Lifetime Customer Value, which is the total amount somebody would spend with you over their time with you as a customer.

Building long-term relationships is no easier in business than in your personal life. But it can be extremely rewarding.

Is their a way to look at peoples criminal records on the internet

Is Their A Way To Look At Peoples Criminal Records On The Internet

If you’ll are hoping for an easily accessible nationwide data source of records of criminals in this age of advanced communication, later anyone will be disappointed. Technology may just be accessible, and the federal constitution may provide a constitutional guarantee for United States citizens to find out info, but specific state legislation is required for its implementation.

Never the less, the individual can still look up a handful of bits of information. The Federal Bureau of Prisons’ web page offers an inmate locator service absolutely free. The public can additionally check out out credible public interest organizations such whereas the Family Watch Dog web site that keeps track of sex offenders released from prison. Your next step is to searches the separate databases of state correctional facilities, police details, and court details. Before everyone start your lookup, remember to verify the person’s name or identity.

In many states, criminal conviction records are restricted and yourself need the person’s d.o.b and ssn in order to carryout the search. Usually, prospective employers have this data although they’re required by law to inform their applicants that a criminal criminal record check is being conducted on them. They additionally really should try to provide the applicant acquire to the public info they gathered.

Yet, the methods needed to make a complete searches on your own free criminal records on the internet is difficult and time consuming. That you may definitely not have the time and patience to investigation via the mountain of at no cost public data scattered all over the web. That you may be satisfied with free of cost public info services if your reasons for looking are merely for curiosity, and your personal life or business is not necessarily at risk.

Anyhow, if people are an employer with numerous candidates to check out, or a landlord with numerous potential tenants applying, or a busy professional researching for a care giver for your infants or aging mom and dad, convenience and time are important to anyone.

In addition, you will have to keep in mind that without charge services certainly not provided by federal agencies or accredited government providers have to be double-checked. Gathering nationwide data such whereas records of criminals, which incur numerous additions throughout the year, requires great investment of time and resources. Therefore, web-sites that offer zero cost data may certainly not have up — to — date records data. Free of cost criminal records databases providers cannot provide convenience and customer service to help people searches.

Your next recourse is an on-line lookup for fee-based providers of criminal background research. The price depends on the detail from the research that you desire. The price will vary based upon on the scope and quality of their databases. Several repository searches are organized by state, while others provide a convenient nationwide searches feature of criminal offender records for around $40 yearly price.

Think with the reason for your investigation and consequences of inaccurate information, and then decide whether it is reasonable for the individual to pay higher subscription fees of quality public information providers.

How to get repeat sales on ebay

How To Get Repeat Sales On Ebay

Most people can make one sale on ebay, but very few people know how to make consistent, repeat sales—and even less know how to make those sales using mechanisms other than ebay.

The most important part of making these «repeat sales» is building a base of interested customers. This process starts with selling on ebay, but most people who sell on ebay don’t know how to do it.

Once you complete a sale on ebay, you should always contact your customer to thank her for purchasing from you and to give her any follow up details she will need to complete the transaction. In addition to this, you should also ask your customer whether or not she is interested in receiving emails from you when your business is offering special deals, item lotteries, or product coupons.

This is where «building a base of interested customers» comes in. If you effectively pitch your email list idea to a customer (who has already purchased from you and therefore has a high probability of being interested), you have a decent chance of getting a positive response. If your customer says yes, add her to a database on excel, along with her name, email address, and what she purchased from you.

You will also want to save the email as a record of her response. As unsolicited bulk email is against the law, it is always crucial that you have evidence to prove that everyone you are mailing with offers has specifically asked to be added to your list.

You should continue to do this—make sales and record names and information.

Periodically, you should make special offers on your ebay store inventory. For instance, you could offer 20% off on certain items for one week. Or you could offer 25% off on all lightbulb sales in the future, provided they purchase a lamp within the next two weeks. Or perhaps you could excite your list by raffling of an expensive item from your ebay business, like a plasma TV.

Whatever offer you use to lure them in, just keep your goal in mind—and that is to drive repeat sales by directing them to your ebay inventory on a regular basis.

As I mentioned previously, unsolicited bulk email is against the law. So, along with each notification you send them, you should include a written explanation of how they can «opt out» of your mailing list.

One trick you can use to make this method particularly effective is selling low and then reselling high. This simply means that you sell inventory on ebay for low prices, so customers have a low resistance to purchasing it. If they see something interesting for a dollar, they might just grab it because it is inexpensive. You complete that dollar sale—and then use it to get an interested buyer who could potentially purchase something far more substantial in the future.

In addition to using different tricks to maximize your profits with this technique, there are also more effective methods you can use to collect large amounts of personal information and to conduct email correspondence campaigns. Autoresponders, websites, and name capture pages are a few of these tools. Once you become proficient in the simple tactics I explained above, you should spend some time researching the tools I just mentioned.

How to draft a sample loan agreement

How to Draft a Sample Loan Agreement

The promissory note is very similar to the loan agreement. The only difference is that the loan agreement will generally indicate the conditions and terms between the borrower and lender without legal suitable legal advice. The main reason behind drafting it so that the conditions and terms that both parties agreed upon have will be listed out properly and also so that these conditions can be referred to by anyone at any point of time. By drafting a sample loan agreement, a better and more understandable format will be followed along with a flow of words that is neat and precise. If a sample loan agreement is drafted, all the important and essential information related to this matter can be collected and this will also ensure that the original document will be of a high quality and will contain all the precise and correct information. This will ensure that all concerned parties will be benefited from the actual agreement.

A sample loan agreement contains many important details regarding the concerned parties and their agreements, details about the amount that has been transacted, interest rate per annum or per month, additional information pertaining to the payment details, the time period and its specifics, when the agreement and its effects will commence, the loan payment and its method, default events, all other additional and necessary information that should be provided,.

There will also be details concerning loan acceleration, late payments and their penalty, Attorney’s fees and indemnification as well as additional costs, details about the borrower, whether the borrower is a party or an individual, the provisions that have been made for modifications in the terms of agreements, the jurisdiction that applies to any breach in the agreement as well as all the laws that will apply to the lender and the borrower based on their residential locations. Once the signatures and consent of the borrower and the lender along with witnesses have been obtained, this entire process of drafting an agreement is completed.