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Know the ins and outs of prepaid legal

Know The Ins And Outs Of Prepaid Legal

A profitable opportunity is available when an individual pursues the prospect of generating a home business around the sale of prepaid legal services.   The opportunities may be profitable but many individuals have raised some very legitimate concerns in regards to selling prepaid legal services.   It is important to address the concerns that have been identified, although once addressed an individual will see the potential available with prepaid legal services.   Some of these concerns that will be addressed in this article reference the concern about the prepaid legal scam and about the opportunities available to make money with this service.

The legitimacy regarding prepaid legal services should be the first topic to be addressed.   Simply defined prepaid legal services represent a collection of experienced attorneys who are offering their services to any member of the prepaid legal services.   These attorneys are waiving their usual very high rates in exchange for a small monthly membership to the program.   

For a member of the prepaid legal services they now have access to experienced lawyers who are willing to assist you in your legal matters included in your monthly membership fee.   When the idea of prepaid legal services was first developed it met with great success which inspired criminals to corrupt the opportunities by creating a prepaid legal scam.   This prepaid legal scam made the same promises of a legitimate service at the same monthly rate but offered no real legal assistance.   These few incidents placed a negative opinion about prepaid legal services in the minds of many, helping to block the opportunities available with prepaid legal.   Time has passed and the prepaid legal scam has been forgotten, allowing legitimate businesses to once again offer these services.

The second concern regarding the money making opportunities available should be no concern at all.   The marketability of the prepaid legal plan is high since the product can appeal to any individual that you sell to.   Almost every person invests in prepaid health insurance even though they are not currently sick.   They do this so that when they do get sick or have an accident they have insurance to protect them from the incredibly high costs of the medical field.   Individuals should chose prepaid legal services for the same reasons of financial protection.   Individuals do not invest in a prepaid legal membership because they are in legal trouble now; they do it so that they will be protected in the future when legal concerns develop suddenly.   These memberships will help the individuals save themselves from the high costs that are related to legal services.

Individuals buy the prepaid legal services to protect themselves in the future although there are services that they can take advantage of without requiring an emergency.   If you are looking to buy a car or invest in a home property then contact an attorney to review your contracts and help you understand the legal jargon.   

On many occasions, individuals blindly sign the contracts that they cannot escape from simply because they made the decision to sign even though they did not completely understand the legal implications.   Let the lawyers with prepaid legal services be that support so that you are not trapped in a contract that is not beneficial to you.

Kitchen cleaning specialists in bristol, helping you to maintain your ventilation systems

Kitchen Cleaning Specialists In Bristol, Helping You To Maintain Your Ventilation Systems

Kitchens and bar areas in commercial properties such as restaurants and hotels are used frequently and as a result can quickly become dirty. For this reason it is important to regularly clean and maintain the space so that it is hygienic for both employees and customers.

There are companies that specialise in cleaning ventilation systems Bristol area, that offer a whole host of cleaning options to keep you hotel, restaurant and kitchen clean and tidy.

Some of their services such as extractor fan and ventilation cleaning are incredibly important without a license that these companies provide that proves that your system is cleaned annually, your insurance will not be valid.

In addition to this, there are even more reasons why you should have your kitchen cleaned regularly. A build up of grease on extractor fans can reduce their efficiency. Employing a kitchen cleaning specialist to remove and replace your kitchen filters, means that your fans will perform as expected without you having to experience the mess of cleaning.

Whether you require a weekly or fortnightly filter clean, they have packages to suit. They can clean your kitchen, or pick up and take away your appliances at a time that suits you, so that disruption to the daily running of your business is minimal.

Some specialists can even add products to your kitchen to make cleaning simple; they are certified kitchen cleaners and qualified technicians who can install access hatches onto your ventilation systems, so that it is no longer a fire hazard, without affecting its performance.

So if you would like to ensure that your kitchen complies with health and safety regulations, your insurance policy and is a hygienic, pleasant space for your staff and customers, contact a kitchen cleaning specialist in the Bristol area today.

Lead generation tips

Lead Generation Tips

Copyright (c) 2009 Drew Stevens PhD

The year has gotten off to a fast start and many sales managers and sales representatives are trying to get a jump on the year to offset losses from recessionary woes. Since the beginning of the year, my email has become inundated with questions about lead generation and cold calling techniques. Selling professionals are hitting stonewalls and getting nowhere.

The art of cold calling is serious business. Cold Calling requires patience, persistence and professionalism. The trick is to remain constantly positive and vigilant. More important, you must remember that cold calling is meant to generate leads… not business! Too many of you reading this believe that when you cold call you are to sell something, this is far from the truth. Whether stocks, insurance or any other product the concept behind cold calling is to generate a prospective lead that results in another appointment.

I want to give you some tips on generating leads and cold calling in this article. However, I want to get you in the proper framework so that before you pick up the telephone you remember the proper cold calling techniques. The comedian Jeff Foxworthy uses a moniker with every joke that states, «You might be a redneck if». Before you read each of the ten tips say to yourself, «You might be a cold calling nuisance if…»

1. You pick up the telephone and have no idea who you are calling. Someone called me recently and asked for the proprietor. Know whom you are calling.

2. After hello you begin with chitchat. Speak with conviction and have a purpose for every call.

3. You call and have conversations with gatekeepers. Call only decision makers. Stop wasting time with gatekeepers that are paid to detain you. Research the person you want to reach before you pick up the phone.

4. You do not know anything about the business or industry you call. I had a gentleman call me this morning to sell me a copier without an iota of knowledge of my business. Imagine the shock when he discovered I was a sales trainer.

5. Start your call with information about your company. Begin your call with a purpose and a value proposition. If you cannot articulate the value to the recipient do not make the call.

6. Begin your calls with inane questions. Questions such as «How you doin'» is for Joey Tribiani from the series Friends. Unless you desire a data dump comparable of being in a therapist office, stop. If you want conversation then speak articulately.

7. Operate each call without a clear purpose. Use a checklist for each call and have a path. A call should have a beginning, middle and an end.

8. Get over the myth that you are calling to sell something. NO YOU ARE NOT. You are simply calling for an introduction and to gain an appointment, any other reason is a mistake on your part.

9. You fear rejection. Get over it. Lead Generation whether you conduct it for your business or other complex organization is about the rejection business. In order to be successful get out of your comfort zone and deal with it.

10. Commence from call to call. I know of an organization that requires representatives make over 50 calls per day. This is unrealistic. What should be measured is not the call volume but the calls that lead to appointments. Success is should be measured by quality over quantity.

Lead generation is not for the faint of heart but from time to time is required for business development. Success is achieved with patience and most of all a plan. Do not fret rejection, set goals, provide value and do not fall into the trap of selling anything but an introduction and a second meeting.

Is a boat rental club right for you

Is A Boat Rental Club Right For You

Owning a boat is a dream for many Americans, but one that can turn into a nightmare of unforeseen costs. Many novice boaters don’t realize all the costs associated with purchasing a boat and wind up with an expensive driveway ornament aside their car instead because they can’t afford gas, insurance or the other myriad things boat owners must pay for.

In recent years, enterprising business people have begun offering a solution for the high price of boat ownership: Boat rental clubs. These clubs rent out their fleet of boats to members on a daily, weekend or even monthly basis at a discounted cost. For example, one marina in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida charges non-members $329 to rent a 21-foot bow rider, but a member of the club would pay just $136, not including gasoline.

Typically, boat rental club members must pay yearly dues in order to receive the discounted prices. However, once most boaters add up the costs of insurance, gasoline, storage, docking and maintenance, not to mention the actual purchase of the boat itself, they find that joining a rental club saves them money. Boat rental clubs may also offer their members other benefits such as discounts on equipment rentals like skis or scuba gear, discounts at local restaurants and a special price on gasoline and oil.

Membership plans vary from club to club. Some offer annual memberships with a high initial cost and lower costs for renewals. Some offer a flat annual fee with no further rental costs. Some offer seasonal memberships. Be sure you understand all the terms of the membership agreement and don’t allow yourself to be pressured into more of a membership than you feel you need. For example, if you’re new to boating and unsure how much you will actually use your membership, a multi-year contract is probably not the best choice for you.

Finally, if you are an avid boater and plan on taking your boat out for several days every week, or for a series of long trips, a boat rental club may not offer you the same savings as it would a more casual boater. To see if a rental club would save you money, total up all the costs associated with your boat and divide that by the number of days you plan to use it in a year. Then add up all the costs associated with a boat rental club membership and divide by the number of days you will use your membership. Whichever number is lower will be the most cost-effective option for you.

Information technology services in pakistan

Information Technology Services In Pakistan

The IT revolution can still change the destiny of Pakistan, but will require a readjustment of the sights. This readjustment will require her to work with what she has, and not what she currently doesn’t!

Pakistan has been unable to produce software developers in increasing numbers, but does possess skilled workers in reasonable numbers in other fields that can provide services to clients all over the developed world through the Internet. These services range from data entry to telemarketing to insurance claims processing to payroll management to computer-aided designing to financial analysis and forecasting.

Pakistan’s doctors can be employed for medical data analysis; lawyers can provide legal advice over the Web; graphic designers can produce animations. The possibilities are numerous and the opportunities lucrative. The Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and Net Present Value (NPV) numbers for many of these opportunities are similar to those for the software export business.

As an example, look at the function of an insurance claims processing company. Say an automobile accident takes place in New York City. The claimant fills a paper form describing the incident and providing his particulars and submits the form to the insurance company’s office in New York. The company scans the form and sends it to the offshore company in Lahore, Pakistan. That form will be automatically routed to the computer terminal of a claims examiner. The examiner goes through the form and (using some simple business rules) determines the validity of the claim and sends his decision to the insurance company in New York. End result: the New York-based company saves 50 per cent of the processing cost!

The customers for such IT-Enabled Services (ITES) are looking for more than one benefit: on the one hand, they want to achieve cost reductions of around 50 per cent, and on the other, they want an improvement in the current level of their services. By outsourcing the non-critical tasks, they also want to focus all their energies on the processes that form the core of their businesses.

Canada is the easiest market to get ITES work from, as it has the highest percentage of businesses that use outsourcing services. Number two on the list is Australia, followed by the US. A higher percentage of companies in the energy sector outsource, followed by the financial services and then, technology companies.

Companies that outsource look for service level guarantees, a proven track record and specialization in the business process of interest from the providers. Many outsourcing relationships fail because of organizational resistance in the client company, unclear performance metrics, or the client’s loss of control over the outsourced business process.

The primary advantage that Pakistan’s ITES businesses enjoy is the relatively low cost of labor. Secondary advantages are zero corporate taxes and low-cost infrastructure. The time zone difference between Pakistan and the US can also be an advantage in certain ITES businesses.

The key challenges that an ITES entrepreneur faces is marketing the service that he or she is striving to provide and ensuring the confidentiality and security of the client’s data. Another challenge is ensuring the quality of the service that can only be achieved by having a clear and continuous organizational focus on the training of the service providers.

Pakistan-based ITES businesses face three types of competitors. The most significant competition comes from prospective clients carrying out the non-core tasks themselves. However, if clients focus on non-core tasks, they suffer from higher costs and lower efficiencies. Hence, they can be enticed by offering high-quality service at a lower, fixed cost.

The second type of competition comes from developed-countries-based outsourcing operators. They run very efficient businesses but are hampered by higher labor costs. The final type of competition comes from outsourcing operators based in low-labor-cost countries like India and Philippines. Pakistan-based ITES businesses don’t really have any advantage over them, but can ignore that competition for now as the demand clearly exceeds the supply.

In summary, ITES is Pakistan’s irresistible value proposition because of the availability of the trained human resource in reasonable numbers. Moreover, increasing the size of this human resource is easier as compared with what is required for software development.

ITES is a lucrative opportunity for forward-looking entrepreneurs. While selecting an ITES sector, they should look for human resource-intensive business processes in which the difference in the cost of labor between Pakistan and the target market is the largest. They should focus on utilizing their existing strengths and should also try to develop contacts with Pakistan-origin expatriates for marketing purposes. To achieve long-term success, they should look for value-adding partnerships with international companies and focus on organizational excellence and customer satisfaction.

The US economy as a whole is depressed, resulting in squeezed revenues for almost all companies. To meet their profitability targets, most companies have no option but to cut costs. Pakistan’s companies can benefit from this situation by offering IT enabled services and software development services at attractive rates. These should be the best of times for Pakistan’s companies.

The economic downturn in the US is an opportunity for Pakistan’s ITES and software development companies, not a setback!