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How to maintain sales motivation in an uncertain economy

How to Maintain Sales Motivation in an Uncertain Economy

Maintaining sales motivation in an uncertain economy is tough when we become a product of that environment. As the world is discussing the downturn in the economy more and more, we are also attracting a downturn in our behaviors. We spend less, do less and wait it out. That is the wrong thing to do!

Wake up! Refuse to be part of any negative environment or uncertain economy. It will only bring you down. It will change your beliefs, your attitude, the way you feel, the actions you take and the results you get. You need to maintain your sales motivation and sales results.

You are a professional and have to maintain professionalism in all that you do. That means, to keep doing what you have always done, and when the going gets tough, the tough get going and do more. That is sales motivation.

This is not the time to slow down, or to waste time discussing the economy. It is time to step up and do more! This is the time of opportunity. It is not the economy that will or will not give you the results you are looking for.

It is your attitude towards the economy and the behavior! That you demonstrate on a daily basis. Your attitude and your behavior is your motivation towards sales results.

You attitude stems from your beliefs. What do you believe about today’s economy? How long do you think it will last? How do you think customers will react to your products and services during this downturn? And most importantly, how will you react?

Your answers to these questions above will determine your level of sales professional motivation. If you believe that this is the time of opportunity — opportunity to sell more, as your competition downsizes, opportunity to hire highly skilled labor, as they are being let go, or opportunity to expand as prices fall, you will gain positive results. However, the opposite is also true.

Be aware of your beliefs as they will affect your attitude and behaviors. If you maintain a positive attitude, your actions will be demonstrated in your behaviors and will attract positive results. Sales motivation starts with your beliefs and ends with your reactions to those beliefs

Believe in who you are, and what you do. Believe in your organization, it’s products and services, team members and the market your sell into. Believe there is opportunity out there and you will find it.

Be disciplined, continue to do what you have to do, even when you do not want to do it and you will maintain sales motivation, in certain and uncertain economies.

How to create a compelling executive summary

How to Create a Compelling Executive Summary

The executive summary of a business plan must be a complete overview of the entire business plan (often a document twenty pages or longer), but also a concise and compelling hook which grabs your readers in one or two pages. While these may seem like contradictory directions, the completeness of the argument in the executive summary can be part of what compels readers to read the entire plan. If they see no initial reasons why the business is a bad idea, they will consider that it might be a good idea.

Sum Up the Highlights

The executive summary must touch on the eight major body sections of your business plan: company overview, industry analysis, customer analysis, competitive analysis, marketing plan, operations plan, management team, and financial plan. For each of these sections, the executive summary should use a few sentences or short paragraph at most to mention the main thrust. For example, to cover the industry analysis, the executive summary can say what the industry is, how large it is, and the top few trends or aspects of this industry which make it a good industry to enter. Support can come later, as long as no statements jump out as particularly unreasonable here.

Using Supporting Data

Although your individual sections of the plan hopefully contain a great deal of supporting data and statistics, only a few key data points can make their way into the executive summary because of the space limitations. Rather than giving exact quotes or statistics here, it will be enough to mention, for example, that research bares out the opportunity or that research has shown that the three chosen customer markets are in great need of a product such as what you will sell.

Financial Pitch

The executive summary should be clear as to the basic financial pitch that is being made. What type of investment is being asked for and on what terms? What is the total startup cost for the business? Keep in mind that funders may ask to be sent just the executive summary first and they should be able to consider what financing you will need even from this document. Even if they are sent the full plan, they will start by reading the executive summary and will expect to hear what type of investment you are seeking before they dig deeper into the plan.

Importance of executive summary, vision, and mission statement, in a business plan:


The first and the most important part of the business plan that grabs the reader’s attention is the executive summary, which must be written professionally without any errors and contains all crucial points that can help you to attract potential investors and lenders in brief. The second important key area that attracts investors after the executive summary is the vision, mission statement, and objective statement. It is necessary that all these key points must be creative, simple, and easy to understand.
The executive summary of the business plan must contain brief information about your entire business plan. Your business overview, marketing analysis, your customers are, operational plan, and management team. With the help of executive summary potential investors and lenders will get the point about your business.
The vision and mission statement are the statements that tells your readers how passionate you are for your business and your chances of future success. Make sure that your mission statement must be that powerful that it sticks on the mind of your investors. A great mission statement will tell your investors that your business has some worth. Don’t confuse the two statements vision statement tells about your future and mission is how you will achieve success in future.
A vision and mission statement is not only for investors and for lenders but it also helps you to achieve your business goals in the best possible way. Writing the good vision and mission statement is not an easy task. Make sure that your vision and mission statements must be realistic and relevant to your business. Try to make it passionate and inspiring. For example, the mission statement of the famous brand NIKE is: CRUSH REEBOK. The mission and vision statement must be similar to your competitors.
Business plan writing needs enough time and skills and executive summary, mission and vision statement are the most important elements that grabs the reader’s attention. Write it as simple and attractive as you can.

How to bet on sports book

How To Bet On Sports Book

Betting on sports can be quite a tricky thing to do even if you are a very experienced bettor who knows his way around and has won a lot of money this way in the past. Betting and gambling have been as much a part of sports and events as much as the actual playing has been.

Even then, people do not just place bets blinded. This is because such a way of placing bets is very risky and you might have as much as a chance of winning as much as you have of losing all the money that you put at stake. That is why, people prefer to go in for trying out different kinds of tried and tested methods and strategies that have worked in the past and are sure to work even now.

Some of these methods and programs have become quite famous and you can buy them on the internet for a small sum if you are interested. They help a great deal in helping you realize the outcome of the game long before it is won and this way you can accordingly place your bets and win money. A sports book is something that a person can place a bet on. There are many different kinds of sports books, and they each are made according to the game that they belong to.

Football, baseball, and basketball are some of the more widely known sports for betting and you must be wondering how to bet on sports books that belong to these categories. Well, the idea is simple. If you are someone who is just starting to place bets and does not really know how to go about the entire way, then you should start by claiming only a small amount of money to your name and place your bet on the sports book that you want to bet on.

Every game is different and you must keep in mind that you should learn to be a disciplined bettor. If you go and place high amounts of money on every team, hoping to win in at least one, then you will only lose out on your money. You should not put so much at stake all at once.

You must learn how to gain experience and then go about the betting process by keeping at least one renowned method in mind. This will help you to keep your focus, and slowly you can build on your bets and stakes as you climb the ladder higher and higher. Risks and losses should not deter you from keeping at the betting either.

Keep in mind that as the season of any sport progresses, it is that time when you should properly be placing your proper bets in the sports book. This is because by the middle, people will have either lost interest, or given up on half the teams. But if you do your research well and keep a constant stand, then you can end up winning a lot of money.